Elizabeth Oakendale

Elizabeth Oakendale is a period story written by STACEY FIDLER about a girl growing up in Victorian times and it tells of the highs and lows she has to go through in those times.

The story opens with Elizabeth’s humble beginnings as the daughter of a maid growing up in a loving close-knit family and developing into a confident and elegant young lady.
Elizabeth finds relationships of her own, testing to deal with, not least in handling the conflicts of gentlemen vying for her attentions; a feisty young lady principled and loyal.
This story follows her throughout her formative years and into adulthood, from a shy young girl into a polite but outspoken woman. She battles with bullies, losses and romantic heartache but in time she will have the biggest obstacle of her life to cope with...
This book is on sale now at Amazon.co.uk, Pegasuspublishers.com, or can be ordered from Waterstones or WHSmith priced £9.99. Some proceeds from sales are being donated to Breast Cancer Research.

Listed under : Romance Fiction Books

For Sale : Price £9
Advert listed on 29th March 2011
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Elizabeth Oakendale
Elizabeth Oakendale
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